Resilience 2020: Message from our President Escarle Silva

We review and give thanks to all those who have supported the IHCH during this unique year 2020. Along with all of you, we look forward to making next year, 2021, one of continual growth and positive energy. Take care and Happy New Year!

Education Day 2020

Last Saturday, November 9, 2020 Education Day was held.
With the participation of George Santos, M.D. Program coordinator, community leader, IHCH Board Member, Escarle Silva. Businesswoman, IHCH Board President, Andrew Harper, M.D. Clinical Professor, A & M College of Medicine, Rita Garza, Consultant, Communication expert, Carmen Herrada, Consultant, Leadership Advisor, IHCH Board Member, and Mayte Weitzman, Marketing executive, IHCH Board Member.

Selected OPEN CALL 2020-2021

Open Call 2020-2021

Este año, el directorio del Instituto Hispano de Cultura en Houston ha mantenido su apoyo y contribución a la difusión de la labor de los artistas hispanos locales celebrando una convocatoria abierta para artistas locales hispanos.
La convocatoria contó con el prestigiado jurado Betirri Bengtson y el impacto del anuncio para participar confirmó una interesante gama de trabajos presentados por los solicitantes.
Los artistas premiados son: Bismark Alejandro Reyes, Nela Garzon & Cynthia Isakson

End of the Year Summary 2019

A Big Thanks!
During 2019, the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston (IHCH) focused on developing its activities in three main areas: Culture and Art, Promotion in Social Networks and Commitment to Community.

Como entendemos nuestra historia a través del cine

How we understand our history through cinema: The IHCH we have programmed a ambitious film series entitled History Through Cinema. This film series consisted of a selection of 16 contemporary Ibero-American productions that covered Spanish-American and Spanish history from the 15th century to the present day.

14 Kilometros: En Busca de un Sueño sin fronteras

El pasado 23 de Noviembre durante nuestro “Miércoles de Película”, tuvimos el placer de presentar en las instalaciones del Instituto, “14 Kilómetros”, un filme con sello español dirigido por el cineasta Gerardo Olivares. La pelicula ilustra la increible, trágica y a la vez inspiradora historia de dos jovenes africanos, que se encaminan en una travesía mortal hacia España con el único objetivo de escapar de una realidad cruel a los ojos de sus sueños y de la vida misma, y decidieron encaminarse hacia la incertidumbre de lo desconocido con la ilusion de poner fin a desolador panorama que era su realidad y un aparente callejon sin salida.

Borderlust Art Exhibition

Borderlust by Justin Earl Grant & Mauricio Paz Viola

September 28, 2019 The exhibition Borderlust was presented the months of September-October 2019, at the Institute of Hispanic Culture in Houston. The exhibition contained a selection of recent works by […]