“Lo Bello y Lo Feo en el Arte” con Andrés Bardon @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Oct 12 @ 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Una charla especialmente pensada para reconectarnos con el arte y sus expresiones a través de la historia. Al concurrir a un museo o a una galería de arte, muchas veces podemos sentirnos ajenos a las obras como si estas parecieran no estar realizadas para nosotros. En esta presentación veremos como debemos acercarnos al fenomeno estético y sus categorías de belleza y fealdad para pdoer apreciar y disfrutar el arte en toda magnitud.

14 Kilometres @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Oct 23 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Country: Spain 2007
Plots keywords: Migrations | Drama | Road Movie
Language: Español and Arabic – English subtitles
Director: Gerardo Olivares
Writer: Andrés Baiz, Patricia Catañeda
Production Co: Wanda Visión / Explora Films
Runtime: 95 min.
Cast: Adoum Moussa, Mahamadou Alzouma, Aminata Kanta, Mohamed Achemol
2007: Seminci: Espiga de Oro, Mejor fotografía, Mejor música


14 Kilómetros

“Catorce kilómetros” es la distancia que separa África de Europa por el Estrecho de Gibraltar. En África hay millones de personas cuyo único objetivo es entrar en Europa porque el hambre no entiende de fronteras ni de barreras. Este largometraje quiere aportar un poco de luz a las sombras de la inmigración. Buba Kanou, Violeta Sunny Sunny y Mukela Kanou emprenden un largo y peligroso viaje hacia Europa a través de Mali, Níger, Argelia y Marruecos y muestran ciertos aspectos no muy conocidos de la realidad africana.


14 Kilometres

14 Kilometres, the distance separating Africa from Europe, is a road movie depicting the hardships and challenges some people undertake in order to reach their dream destination, where they believe they can find paradise.
The film follows the perilous journey of three characters across the Sahara to Morocco in order to cross the Straits of Gibraltar into Spain, as they attempt to reach the supposedly lavish lands of Europe where there is hope for the future. This trio consists of a young girl, Violet, who lives in a village in Mali, escaping her arranged marriage to an old man; Buba, a mechanic and a skillful footballer, and his older brother Mukela from the neighbouring Niger, who suggests that he go to Europe to try his skills there.


FILM SERIES:  The History Through Cinema

Even the Rain @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Nov 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Country: Spain 2010
Plots keywords: Drama | Social | Cochabamba | Christopher Columbus
Language: Español and Quechua – English subtitles
Director: Icíar Bollaín
Writer: Paul Laverty
Production Co: Coproducción España-Francia-México; Morena Films
Runtime: 104 min.
Cast: Luis Tosar, Gael García Bernal, Karra Elejalde, Juan Carlos Aduviri, Raúl Arévalo, Cassandra Ciangherotti, Carlos Santos, Dani Currás, Vicente Romero
2011: Festival de Berlín (Sección Panorama): Premio del público
2011: Premios del Cine Europeo: Nominada a Premio del Público
2010: 3 Premios Goya: Actor de reparto (Elejalde), Música original, Dir. de producción
2010: Premios Ariel: Mejor película iberoamericana (ex aequo)


También la Lluvia

Cochabamba, Bolivia. Año 2000. Sebastián (Gael García Bernal) y Costa (Luis Tosar) se han propuesto hacer una película sobre Cristóbal Colón y el descubrimiento de América. Mientras que Sebastián, el director, pretende desmitificar al personaje presentándolo como un hombre ambicioso y sin escrúpulos; a Costa, el productor, sólo le importa ajustar la película al modesto presupuesto del que disponen; precisamente por eso elige Bolivia, por ser uno de los países más baratos y con mayor población indígena de Hispanoamérica. La película se rueda en Cochabamba, donde la privatización y venta del agua a una multinacional siembra entre la población un malestar tal que hará estallar la tristemente famosa Guerra Boliviana del Agua (abril del año 2000). Quinientos años después del descubrimiento de América, palos y piedras se enfrentan de nuevo al acero y la pólvora de un ejército moderno. Pero esta vez no se lucha por el oro, sino por el más imprescindible de los elementos vitales: el agua.

Even the Rain

Spanish director Sebastián, his executive producer Costa and all his crew are in Bolivia, in the Cochabamba area, to shoot a motion picture about Christopher Columbus, his first explorations and the way the Spaniards treated the Indians at the time. Costa has chosen this place because the budget of the film is tight and here he can hire supernumeraries, local actors and extras on the cheap. Things go more or less smoothly until a conflict erupts over the privatization of the water supply. The trouble is that one of the local actors, is a leading activist in the protest movement.



Noche de películas junto a IHCH /Movie Night with IHCH Online Screening @ Online Screening
Apr 6 – May 4 all-day

April programing:

La Otra Conquista/The Other Conquest
Country: Mexico 1998/2008
Director & Writer: Salvador Carrasco
Screening during the week of April 6 to 12
With English subtitles

Country: Spain 2006
Director: Agustín Díaz Yanes
Writer: Agustín Díaz Yanes (Novela: Arturo Pérez- Reverte)
Screening during the week of April 13 to 19
With English subtitles

Noche de películas junto a IHCH /Movie Night with IHCH

Online Screening

Join the IHCH to view these online films. Watch these acclaimed Hispanic-American films at home!
Screenings begin April 6 and run through May.

The IHCH relives for the general public its film series History Through Cinema which was presented last year. The series consists of 16 current Latin American and Spanish films that give an account of Hispanic-American history from the 15th century to the present.
Stay tuned in our fan facebook page @IHCHOUSTON

April/May programing:

Goya en Burdeos/Goya in Bordeaux
Country: Spain 1999/2000
Director: Carlos Saura
Writer: Carlos Saura, Luigi Scattini
Screening during the week of April 20 to 26
With English subtitles

El Libertador/The Liberator
Country: Venezuela 2013
Director: Alberto Arvelo
Writer: Timothy J. Sexton
Screening during the week of April 27 to May 3
With English subtitles

Watch now "LIBERATOR" by Alberto Arvelo


Historia a través del cine: SXIX “Libertador” de Alberto Arvelo

Screening during the week of April 27 to May 3  ?
Libertador / Liberator
Venezuela 2013/2014
Director: Alberto Arvelo
Writer: Timothy J. Sexton
*With English subtitles*

Superproducción entre Venezuela y España que relata la figura del militar y político venezolano Simón Bolívar (1783-1830), uno de los principales artífices de la independencia de los países latinoamericanos frente al imperio español en el siglo XIX.

Simon Bolivar fought over 100 battles against the Spanish Empire in South America. He rode over 70,000 miles on horseback. His military campaigns covered twice the territory of Alexander the Great. His army never conquered – it liberated.


*Restricted: Parental accompaniment required for younger audiences.//CONTENIDO SUGERIDO PARA MAYORES DE 16 AÑOS*
*Contenido disponible desde el día 27 de abril hasta el 3 de mayo*

Gracias a la vida – Un tributo a Mercedes Sosa @ Online Event
Jul 16 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Nacida el 9 de julio de 1935 en San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, Mercedes Sosa es considerada la mayor muestra del folklore en Argentina. Fundó el “Nuevo Cancionero” y cuenta con 35 álbumes de estudio, dos EPs y 11 álbumes en vivo.

Favorita de más de cuatro generaciones en Latinoamérica, hoy queremos recordar su música.

Blu Internacional – Musical Duo

In 1992, Patricia Gras (USA/Argentina) and María Rimbau (Spain, Ecuador) founded Barandúa, a Latin folk and pop ban, with Carlos Gonzalez Rimbau, María’s brother, Luis Silva and Antonio Mazu both from Chile. Together they produced two CD’s, Barandúa Live and Our Songs. Later, Carlitos Gonzalez Blum (US/Spain) and Luis Montes de Oca (Méjico) replaced Luis and Antonio. In 2009, both María and Patricia were struck with breast cancer. To raise money for breast cancer survivors, the Barandúa band held a concert at the University of St. Thomas, Jones Hall to a full house. Following María’s treatment, they decided to become a duo, this time playing international music with the collaboration of sound engineer Mariela Massuh. They sing in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Russian, Arabic, and Portuguese. Blu International music duo performs at parties, weddings, concerts, and on ZOOM under quarantine!
Education Day @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Oct 7 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

#Winning and Success: Beyond School and Snapchat

Education Day- Onsite program.

Applying for college is a highly competitive and complicated process, from career focus discernment to selecting the educational institution, financial concerns, standardized test readiness and developing the communication strategies to best represent yourself in writing and in person.

This one-day workshop will focus on the academic discernment process, developing a strong resume and personal statement, interview skills, and the power of social media -both negative and positive impact.

After a morning session with experts in the field of education and communication, students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts in practical exercises demonstrating the different skill sets.

We look forward to working with you to make this journey a success!



  1. All participants are required to bring a signed copy of the Authorization form you will receive after registration through Eventbrite. The Parental Authorization form is required for Minors under 18 years of age.
  2. Please send the link to a one-minute video of introduction by Thursday, November 5 to: president@ihch.org
  3. Please bring a tablet/smartphone for videos.


George Santos, M.D. Program coordinator, community leader, IHCH Board Member.

Escarle Silva. Businesswoman, IHCH Board President.

Andrew Harper, M.D. Clinical Professor, A & M College of Medicine.

Rita Garza. Consultant, Communication expert.

Carmen Herrada. Consultant, Leadership Advisor, IHCH Board Member.

Mayte Weitzman. Marketing executive. IHCH Board Member.


*Limited seats available to comply with social distancing requirements.

Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas