Familia Lorenzo @ Consulado General de Mexico en Houston
Dec 11 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

VISITING HOURS: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Contact Consulate General of Mexico: (713) 778-6116

La exposición reúne más de 50 retablos originales realizados en el transcurso de 50 años y tres generaciones de tradición familiar.

La colección de retablos son un testimonio del acervo visual de arte popular mexicano, particularmente del pueblo artesanal de Xalitla, en el estado de Guerrero, donde vive y trabaja la Familia Lorenzo.

Asimismo, el recorrido de piezas artísticas evidencia el dialogo intergeneracional en el cual podemos apreciar a múltiples personajes de la cultura popular mexicana como luchadores, guerrilleros zapatistas, calaveras del día de los muertos, imágenes del juego de la lotería o Frida Kahlo junto a ingenuas imágenes de santos, demonios, ángeles, figuras religiosas y danzas tradicionales enmascaradas náhuatl.

La exposición procura destacar el patrimonio cultural de estos artistas populares contemporáneos poco visibilizados pero que demandan de mayor comprensión y reconocimiento en tiempos debates culturales identitarios.

Creación y Dirección del Proyecto a cargo de Mariela G. Domínguez
Contacto: /

Familia Lorenzo

14 Noviembre al 13 Diciembre 2019 – Evento gratuito
Consulado General de México en Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.
INAUGURACION: November 14, 2019. 6:30 pm – 21:00 pm – Evento gratuito
Consulado General de México en Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.

The exhibition brings together more than 50 original altarpieces created by three generations of family tradition over the past 50 years.

The altarpiece collection is a testament to the visual heritage of Mexican Folk Art, particularly the artisanal town of Xalitla, in the state of Guerrero, where the Lorenzo Family lives and works.

Also, the tour of artistic pieces demonstrates the intergenerational dialogue in which we appreciate multiple characters of Mexican popular culture such as wrestlers, Zapatista guerrillas, skulls of the Day of the Dead, images of the Loteria or Frida Kahlo along with naive images of saints, demons, angels, religious figures and traditional Nahuatl masked dances.

The exhibition seeks to highlight the cultural heritage of these contemporary folk artists who are not widely recognized but who demand greater unders- tanding and acceptance in times of cultural identity debates.

Creation and direction of the project in charge of Mariela G. Domínguez
Contact Information: /

November 14 thru December 13, 2019 – Event is free and open to the public
Consulate General de México in Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.
OPENING RECEPTION: November 14, 2019. 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Event is free and open to the public
Consulate General de México in Houston

4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.

Familia Lorenzo @ Consulado General de Mexico en Houston
Dec 12 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

VISITING HOURS: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Contact Consulate General of Mexico: (713) 778-6116

La exposición reúne más de 50 retablos originales realizados en el transcurso de 50 años y tres generaciones de tradición familiar.

La colección de retablos son un testimonio del acervo visual de arte popular mexicano, particularmente del pueblo artesanal de Xalitla, en el estado de Guerrero, donde vive y trabaja la Familia Lorenzo.

Asimismo, el recorrido de piezas artísticas evidencia el dialogo intergeneracional en el cual podemos apreciar a múltiples personajes de la cultura popular mexicana como luchadores, guerrilleros zapatistas, calaveras del día de los muertos, imágenes del juego de la lotería o Frida Kahlo junto a ingenuas imágenes de santos, demonios, ángeles, figuras religiosas y danzas tradicionales enmascaradas náhuatl.

La exposición procura destacar el patrimonio cultural de estos artistas populares contemporáneos poco visibilizados pero que demandan de mayor comprensión y reconocimiento en tiempos debates culturales identitarios.

Creación y Dirección del Proyecto a cargo de Mariela G. Domínguez
Contacto: /

Familia Lorenzo

14 Noviembre al 13 Diciembre 2019 – Evento gratuito
Consulado General de México en Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.
INAUGURACION: November 14, 2019. 6:30 pm – 21:00 pm – Evento gratuito
Consulado General de México en Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.

The exhibition brings together more than 50 original altarpieces created by three generations of family tradition over the past 50 years.

The altarpiece collection is a testament to the visual heritage of Mexican Folk Art, particularly the artisanal town of Xalitla, in the state of Guerrero, where the Lorenzo Family lives and works.

Also, the tour of artistic pieces demonstrates the intergenerational dialogue in which we appreciate multiple characters of Mexican popular culture such as wrestlers, Zapatista guerrillas, skulls of the Day of the Dead, images of the Loteria or Frida Kahlo along with naive images of saints, demons, angels, religious figures and traditional Nahuatl masked dances.

The exhibition seeks to highlight the cultural heritage of these contemporary folk artists who are not widely recognized but who demand greater unders- tanding and acceptance in times of cultural identity debates.

Creation and direction of the project in charge of Mariela G. Domínguez
Contact Information: /

November 14 thru December 13, 2019 – Event is free and open to the public
Consulate General de México in Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.
OPENING RECEPTION: November 14, 2019. 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Event is free and open to the public
Consulate General de México in Houston

4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.

Familia Lorenzo @ Consulado General de Mexico en Houston
Dec 13 @ 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

VISITING HOURS: 09:00 am – 05:00 pm
Contact Consulate General of Mexico: (713) 778-6116

La exposición reúne más de 50 retablos originales realizados en el transcurso de 50 años y tres generaciones de tradición familiar.

La colección de retablos son un testimonio del acervo visual de arte popular mexicano, particularmente del pueblo artesanal de Xalitla, en el estado de Guerrero, donde vive y trabaja la Familia Lorenzo.

Asimismo, el recorrido de piezas artísticas evidencia el dialogo intergeneracional en el cual podemos apreciar a múltiples personajes de la cultura popular mexicana como luchadores, guerrilleros zapatistas, calaveras del día de los muertos, imágenes del juego de la lotería o Frida Kahlo junto a ingenuas imágenes de santos, demonios, ángeles, figuras religiosas y danzas tradicionales enmascaradas náhuatl.

La exposición procura destacar el patrimonio cultural de estos artistas populares contemporáneos poco visibilizados pero que demandan de mayor comprensión y reconocimiento en tiempos debates culturales identitarios.

Creación y Dirección del Proyecto a cargo de Mariela G. Domínguez
Contacto: /

Familia Lorenzo

14 Noviembre al 13 Diciembre 2019 – Evento gratuito
Consulado General de México en Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.
INAUGURACION: November 14, 2019. 6:30 pm – 21:00 pm – Evento gratuito
Consulado General de México en Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.

The exhibition brings together more than 50 original altarpieces created by three generations of family tradition over the past 50 years.

The altarpiece collection is a testament to the visual heritage of Mexican Folk Art, particularly the artisanal town of Xalitla, in the state of Guerrero, where the Lorenzo Family lives and works.

Also, the tour of artistic pieces demonstrates the intergenerational dialogue in which we appreciate multiple characters of Mexican popular culture such as wrestlers, Zapatista guerrillas, skulls of the Day of the Dead, images of the Loteria or Frida Kahlo along with naive images of saints, demons, angels, religious figures and traditional Nahuatl masked dances.

The exhibition seeks to highlight the cultural heritage of these contemporary folk artists who are not widely recognized but who demand greater unders- tanding and acceptance in times of cultural identity debates.

Creation and direction of the project in charge of Mariela G. Domínguez
Contact Information: /

November 14 thru December 13, 2019 – Event is free and open to the public
Consulate General de México in Houston
4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.
OPENING RECEPTION: November 14, 2019. 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Event is free and open to the public
Consulate General de México in Houston

4506 Caroline St, Houston, TX 77004, United States.

Círculo de lectura / Aura, Carlos Fuentes. @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Feb 15 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Círculo de lectura activa.

La lectura nos permite ver el mundo de una manera distinta, encontrar ese pedazo en el universo que nos hace falta. Los libros nos muestran que se puede encontrar el amor en un sonido o en una flor.

El círculo está centrado en la lectura y análisis de textos de ficción en español. El ejercicio del círculo literario pretende brindar nociones prácticas que permitan el acercamiento crítico a géneros literarios en español.

El ejercicio de leer nos pertenece a todos, hayamos o no estudiado formalmente.

Continuamos en febrero con nuestra reunión del círculo de lectura activa con el libro “Aura” de Carlos Fuentes, el sábado 15 de febrero, estaremos charlando y compartiendo apreciaciones sobre este libro.

Recuerda llevar tu vaso, tu bebida preferida y algo de comer para compartir con el grupo.

Artes Plasticas Mexicanas en Houston @ Online Event
May 26 @ 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Invitado especial Artista Betirri

En esta charla, Betirri nos habara de su trayectoria como Artista Plastico Mexicano en la ciudad de Houston y Estados Unidos.


Imagen, representación y memoria @ Online Event
Jul 21 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Imagen, representación y memoria

El cine argentino desde sus comienzos hasta el nuevo milenio.

Un recorrido por la historia del cine argentino. Se prestará atención a los protagonistas (directores, directoras, actores, actrices), los géneros, las películas que marcaron época, los personajes memorables y el reconocimiento internacional otorgado a este arte. Se considerará asimismo la relación entre este arte y la memoria colectiva, y el diálogo que el cine argentino establece con las producciones cinematográficas de otras latitudes.

"This program is made possible with funding from Humanities Texas and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the federal CARES Act."

 “Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.”
Bismark Alejandro Reyes Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Sep 1 – Oct 25 all-day
Bismark Alejandro Reyes Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston

About the artist

Bismark Alejandro Reyes
Born in Houston, Texas and also raised in San Nicolas de Los Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
A self-taught multidisciplinary artist and studying Architecture at Prairie View A&M University.

“To begin, I must say I am a creative person. I see it all around from a pattern on a tree to the outline of the sky. Always with a sketchbook in hand, being the only companion that has no judgement and accepts my inquietudes and imaginations. This, becoming a way of seeing, observing and creating a way of life.
I am currently returning from a journey across Mexico where I got to experience my roots more deeply and connect with people. Thus broadening my understanding of where I come from, walking ancient Mayan paths on a discovery of the self.
At this moment I am becoming a more established artist and I hope we can collaborate to make something special, as my pure intentions are to express and share an experience.”

Project Manager: Mariela G. Domínguez

Opening Reception

Saturday October 3, 2020
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Free admission
Reservations required


September 1 thru October 25, 2020
GUIDED TOURS: By appointment only
Free admission

Open Call 2020-2021

To book your appointment and plan your visit to IHCH

Para reservar su cita y planificar su visita a IHCH

Open Call 2020-2021


  • Entry allowed only for people with prior reservation.
  • Please do not attend if you have symptoms.
  • Visitors should wear a face covering/face mask inside the building.
  • Temperature Check Procedure.
  • Maintain adequate social distance at all times and take precautions.
  • All instructions from IHCH staff must be followed.

The IHCH follows CDC guidance on the recommended size of social gathering


  • Únicamente se permite el ingreso de personas con reserva previa.
  • Por favor, no asista si presenta síntomas.
  • Visitas dentro del edificio deben usar mascarilla facial/cubrebocas.
  • Procedimiento de verificación de temperatura.
  • Mantenga un distanciamiento social adecuado en todo momento y tome precauciones.
  • Se deben cumplir todas las instrucciones del personal del IHCH.

El IHCH sigue la guía del CDC sobre el tamaño recomendado de las reuniones sociales.

Reception: Bismark Alejandro Reyes Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Oct 3 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Reception: Bismark Alejandro Reyes Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston

The Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston invites you to Bismark Alejandro Reyes Art Exhibition

This exhibition highlights the work of a Mexican-American artist whose paintings are inspired by his life experiences connected to his ancestral roots mixed with iconic contemporary urban images.

About the artist:
Although the artist Reyes was born in Houston, Texas, he was raised in both Houston and San Nicolas de Los Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Besides continuing his path as a Mexican-American, self-taught, multidisciplinary artist, he is studying Architecture at Prairie View A&M University.

The exhibition corresponds to the Open Call 2020-2021, a project of Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston (IHCH) coordinated by Mariela G. Domínguez

El Instituto de Cultura Hispana en Houston te invita a la exposición de Bismark Alejandro Reyes

Esta exposición destaca el trabajo del artista mexicano-americano cuya obra pictórica está inspirada en sus experiencias vitales conectadas a sus raíces ancestrales y un imaginario contemporáneo.

Sobre el Artista:
Si bien el artista Reyes nació en Houston, Texas, vivió tanto en Houston como en San Nicolás de Los Garza, Nuevo León, México. Además de continuar su camino como artista mexicano-estadounidense, autodidacta y multidisciplinario, actualmente estudia Arquitectura en la Universidad Prairie View A&M.

La exposición corresponde al proyecto Open Call 2020-2021del Intituto de Cultura Hispana en Houston (IHCH) coordinado por Mariela G. Domínguez

Reservations required

Se requieren reservaciones


  • Entry allowed only for people with prior reservation.
  • Please do not attend if you have symptoms.
  • Visitors should wear a face covering/face mask inside the building.
  • Temperature Check Procedure.
  • Maintain adequate social distance at all times and take precautions.
  • All instructions from IHCH staff must be followed.

The IHCH follows CDC guidance on the recommended size of social gathering


  • Únicamente se permite el ingreso de personas con reserva previa.
  • Por favor, no asista si presenta síntomas.
  • Visitas dentro del edificio deben usar mascarilla facial/cubrebocas.
  • Procedimiento de verificación de temperatura.
  • Mantenga un distanciamiento social adecuado en todo momento y tome precauciones.
  • Se deben cumplir todas las instrucciones del personal del IHCH.

El IHCH sigue la guía del CDC sobre el tamaño recomendado de las reuniones sociales.

Nela Garzon Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Nov 2 2020 – Jan 3 2021 all-day
Nela Garzon Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston

About the exhibition

Made in China

Through three different artistic disciplines, such as fiber art, sculpture and painting, Nela Garzón questions the mercantile and disposable paradigm of objects in conflict with cultural identities.

“The body of work produced for this project inquires about the wide effects of consumerism and mass production and comments on the loss of cultural identity in the hands of globalization and industrialization. This global problem supported by us (consumers), besides devastating the environment, affects everyone but mostly minorities who have been maintaining the cultural heritage and diversity of the world alive.”


November 2, 2020 thru January 3, 2021
Guided Tours – By appointment only
Free admission

About the artist

Nela Garzon
Nela Garzón is a multidisciplinary visual artist of Colombian origin, currently living in Houston, Texas, USA, since 2010. Her artistic work is focused on her interest in exploring different mediums inspired by traditional crafts and cultures from around the world.

Project Manager: Mariela G. Domínguez


Entry allowed only for people with prior reservation.
Please do not attend if you have symptoms.
Visitors should wear a face covering/face mask inside the building.
Temperature Check Procedure.
Maintain adequate social distance at all times and take precautions.
All instructions from IHCH staff must be followed.

The IHCH follows CDC guidance on the recommended size of social gathering.


Únicamente se permite el ingreso de personas con reserva previa.
Por favor, no asista si presenta síntomas.
Visitas dentro del edificio deben usar mascarilla facial/cubrebocas.
Procedimiento de verificación de temperatura.
Mantenga un distanciamiento social adecuado en todo momento y tome precauciones.
Se deben cumplir todas las instrucciones del personal del IHCH.

El IHCH sigue la guía del CDC sobre el tamaño recomendado de las reuniones sociales.

Cynthia Isakson Art Exhibition @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Jan 11 – Feb 28 all-day
Open Call 2020-2021

About the artist

Cynthia Isakson
Cynthia Beatriz Isakson was born in Buenos Aires in 1969. Started studying and working in Photography in 1993. Participated in national and international exhibitions obtaining several awards. She exhibits alone and in group since 1996. She’s lived in Houston, Texas since 2003.
Her portfolio includes:
“Dolls”(1999), “About bodies”(1996-1997), “Whitened portraits”(1997-1998), “A look back”(2000-2001), “Generations”(2001), “Dolls, the new era”(2015-2019), “Life”(2016) & “The Whole Picture” (2018-2019)

About the exhibition

Family Overlap
When I open my eyes I photograph them; when I close my eyes, I listen to them
For 25 years I looked at them, I portrayed them, I captured them, in order to keep them forever. Immigrating and maintaining close relationships seemed to be two incompatible concepts. But they turned out not to be.
I watch them hanging on my walls and listen to their recorded voices, our conversations. And suddenly the language, what they say, no longer matters. It doesn’t matter if they look at me. It doesn’t matter if they are no longer here.
It’s about that feeling that you get when you close your eyes and you don’t see them anymore, you feel them…

My project includes between 20 and 25 portraits and an audio file looped in speakers placed in the four corners of the exhibit room. The pictures are printed on 18 x 24 in giclee paper.
The chief concept of the project highlights the relevance of family and culture in spite of the meaningful change resulting from immigration. Evidently, such a project resonates with the mission of the IHCH.

Opening Reception

Saturday February 13, 2021
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Free admission
Reservations required


January 11 thru February 28, 2021
GUIDED TOURS: By appointment only
Free admission

Open Call 2020-2021

Project Manager: Mariela G. Domínguez

To book your appointment and plan your visit to IHCH

Para reservar su cita y planificar su visita a IHCH