Opening: Borderlust Art Exhibition by Mauricio Paz Viola & Justin Earl Grant @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Sep 28 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm


by Mauricio Paz Viola & Justin Earl Grant


“Scientists say that human beings are made of atoms, but a little bird told me that we are also made of stories.”
Eduardo Galeano


Mauricio Paz Viola & Justin Earl Grant celebrate their second exhibition together. After their shared experiences in Santiago de Chile 2015, they are reunited once again in the city of Houston.

Borderlust is a reflection on the dynamic experience of how we construct our identity as an emancipatory and paradoxical process.

Paz Viola & Grant’s collection of works present a series of silhouettes of the human figure whose limits are traced and shows the interconnection of the subject with the whole.

Bonderlust aspires to reaffirm the magnitude of possibilities of the expansion of the human being.

Opening //  Saturday September 28 @4:00pm
Closing // Saturday October 5th @4:00pm

El Origen del Candombe al Tango @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Apr 30 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Con la voz de Fernando Pirez, referente tanguero uruguayo contemporaneo.

About this Event


Born in the city of Montevideo, Oriental Republic of Uruguay, he emerges in the talent round of the renowned FUN FUN Bar in the old city where the contemporary tango referents frequented, has a powerful and sentimental voice that cradles tango as few is the winner of several competitions of singers in the Rio de la Plata.

He integrates the cast of voices of La Misa Tanguera and is La Voz del Tango in the Show PASION LATINA for the World Show.

He performed at the Lincoln Center in New York, the Opera Theater in Paris and the Czech Museum in Houston among other settings. I premiere the Tanguera Mass at the Cathedral of San Fernando de Maldonado, and at the Florencio Sanchez de Paysandu Theater (Uru) and I sing twice at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NY and at the Newark Nj cathedral this last year. He also performed at the Insitute of Hispanic Culture this past June with the “Tributo a Gardel Show”.


Nacido en la ciudad de Montevideo, Republica Oriental del Uruguay, surge al canto en la ronda de talentos del reconocido Bar FUN FUN de la Ciudad vieja donde frecuentaban los referentes tangueros contemporaneos, posee una voz potente y sentimental que acuna el tango como pocas es ganador de varios concursos de cantantes en el Rio de la Plata .

Integra el elenco de voces de La Misa Tanguera y es La Voz del tango en el Show PASION LATINA por el mundo.

Se presento en el Lincoln Center de New York , El teatro Opera de Paris y el Museo Checo de Houston entre otros escenarios.

Estreno la Misa Tanguera en La Catedral de San Fernando de Maldonado , y en el Teatro Florencio Sanchez de Paysandu ( Uru) y canto 2 veces en La Catedral de Saint Patrick de NY y en la catedral de Newark Nj este ultimo 2019 . Tambien se presento en el Insitituo de Cultura Hispana de Houston el pasado Junio con el Tributo a Gardel.

Claves del exito para un emprendedor en la era digital @ Online Event
May 21 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am

Lizzette Diaz con su amplia experiencia en Marketing Digital, viene a compartirnos sus tips y mejores consejos para lograr tener contenidos relevantes que den buenos resultados en la era digital.


Gracias a la vida – Un tributo a Mercedes Sosa @ Online Event
Jul 16 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Nacida el 9 de julio de 1935 en San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, Mercedes Sosa es considerada la mayor muestra del folklore en Argentina. Fundó el “Nuevo Cancionero” y cuenta con 35 álbumes de estudio, dos EPs y 11 álbumes en vivo.

Favorita de más de cuatro generaciones en Latinoamérica, hoy queremos recordar su música.

Blu Internacional – Musical Duo

In 1992, Patricia Gras (USA/Argentina) and María Rimbau (Spain, Ecuador) founded Barandúa, a Latin folk and pop ban, with Carlos Gonzalez Rimbau, María’s brother, Luis Silva and Antonio Mazu both from Chile. Together they produced two CD’s, Barandúa Live and Our Songs. Later, Carlitos Gonzalez Blum (US/Spain) and Luis Montes de Oca (Méjico) replaced Luis and Antonio. In 2009, both María and Patricia were struck with breast cancer. To raise money for breast cancer survivors, the Barandúa band held a concert at the University of St. Thomas, Jones Hall to a full house. Following María’s treatment, they decided to become a duo, this time playing international music with the collaboration of sound engineer Mariela Massuh. They sing in Spanish, English, French, Italian, Russian, Arabic, and Portuguese. Blu International music duo performs at parties, weddings, concerts, and on ZOOM under quarantine!
Imagen, representación y memoria @ Online Event
Jul 21 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Imagen, representación y memoria

El cine argentino desde sus comienzos hasta el nuevo milenio.

Un recorrido por la historia del cine argentino. Se prestará atención a los protagonistas (directores, directoras, actores, actrices), los géneros, las películas que marcaron época, los personajes memorables y el reconocimiento internacional otorgado a este arte. Se considerará asimismo la relación entre este arte y la memoria colectiva, y el diálogo que el cine argentino establece con las producciones cinematográficas de otras latitudes.

"This program is made possible with funding from Humanities Texas and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the federal CARES Act."

 “Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.”
Education Day @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Oct 7 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

#Winning and Success: Beyond School and Snapchat

Education Day- Onsite program.

Applying for college is a highly competitive and complicated process, from career focus discernment to selecting the educational institution, financial concerns, standardized test readiness and developing the communication strategies to best represent yourself in writing and in person.

This one-day workshop will focus on the academic discernment process, developing a strong resume and personal statement, interview skills, and the power of social media -both negative and positive impact.

After a morning session with experts in the field of education and communication, students will have the opportunity to apply the concepts in practical exercises demonstrating the different skill sets.

We look forward to working with you to make this journey a success!



  1. All participants are required to bring a signed copy of the Authorization form you will receive after registration through Eventbrite. The Parental Authorization form is required for Minors under 18 years of age.
  2. Please send the link to a one-minute video of introduction by Thursday, November 5 to:
  3. Please bring a tablet/smartphone for videos.


George Santos, M.D. Program coordinator, community leader, IHCH Board Member.

Escarle Silva. Businesswoman, IHCH Board President.

Andrew Harper, M.D. Clinical Professor, A & M College of Medicine.

Rita Garza. Consultant, Communication expert.

Carmen Herrada. Consultant, Leadership Advisor, IHCH Board Member.

Mayte Weitzman. Marketing executive. IHCH Board Member.


*Limited seats available to comply with social distancing requirements.

Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas