Spanish Beginning Conversation Class @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Apr 13 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Want to learn Spanish?
Join a Spanish class at the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Our Spanish Beginning Conversation Class provides students with basic language patterns and practical vocabulary, as well as the essential conversational skills used in everyday life. Topics include family, numbers, weather, getting around, and traveling.The program highlights interesting aspects of the Spanish culture.

It is highly recommended for students without previous experience in the Spanish language. It is particularly for those who wish to acquire limited conversational skills for travel or the workplace, or who wish to start their study of Spanish.

This course is not open to students whose first language is Spanish.

Instructor: Maria M. Lopez, Professor at HCC and Rice University

A minimum of eight students is required to open a class.

WHEN: Every Saturday @9 am

FEE: for 8 classes, session 2 hours weekly $280.-

Classes begin on Saturday, April 13.

Apply now!

José Martí: El Ojo del Canario @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
May 22 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Country: Cuba 2009
Plots keywords: Drama | Cuban Revolution | 19 Century
Language: Español – English subtitles
Director and Writer: Fernado Pérez Vadés
Production Co: Co-producción Cuba-España; Televisión Española (TVE) / Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industrias Cinematográficos (ICAIC) / Lusa Films S.L. / Wanda Films
Runtime: 120 min.
Cast: Daniel Romero Bildaín, Rolando Brito, Broselianda Hernández, Enrique Lázaro Piedra, Manuel Porto, Julio César Ramírez, Damián Rodríguez, Francisco López Ruiz, Eugenio Torroella
Awards: 2010 Premios Ariel: Mejor película iberoamericana (ex aequo)

José Martí: El Ojo del Canario

José Martí, entre los 9 y los 17: los únicos años en que conoció de cerca a su patria y en los que aprendió a amarla y entenderla, para hacer la magna obra que le tomó el resto de su vida. No es una biografía: es un itinerario espiritual inspirado en la infancia y adolescencia del héroe nacional cubano José Martí.

”José Martí fue un hombre de una sensibilidad muy especial que marcó la historia de Cuba, pero también fue un ser humano común, corriente, como cualquiera de nosotros. Creo que eso es lo que hace grande a los grandes hombres. Mi película se sumerge en la complejidad cotidiana que formó el carácter de Martí durante su infancia y adolescencia. La mirada será más personal que histórica, más subjetiva que biográfica. Cada cubano tiene su Martí. En este filme, yo trataré de expresar el mío.” -Fernando Pérez, Director

José Martí: The Eye of The Canary

Little is known of the childhood and youth of the great 19th-century Cuban liberator, José Martí. This robust biopic imagines his early years. The son of a magistrate, the precocious Martí — “Pepe” to family and friends — takes an early interest in justice. Gradually he enters the nascent independence movement and, not yet 18, is arrested for sedition. Respectful, yet not worshipful, this is a portrait of the revolutionary as a young man, and a stirring historical drama besides.
José Martí: The Eye of the Canary was awarded the Ariel for Best Latin American Film at the Mexican Academy Awards in 2011.
Fernando Pérez has published articles on cinema and taught courses on film appreciation and cinema history at various Cuban universities. His filmography contains over a dozen titles including Havana Suite (2003), Life is to Whistle (1998) and Madagascar (1995). He was chosen as the most outstanding Cuban film director of the 1990s by the Cuban Film Press Association.

FILM SERIES:  The History Through Cinema

Roa @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Aug 14 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Country: Colombia 2013
Plots keywords: Drama | Histórico | Politics | 40´
Language: Español – English subtitles
Director: Andrés Baiz
Writer: Andrés Baiz, Patricia Catañeda
Production Co: Coproducción Colombia-Argentina; Dynamo / RCN Cine / Patagonik
Runtime: 98 min.
Cast: Mauricio Puentes, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Santiago Rodríguez, Rebeca López, John Álex Toro, Carlos Manuel Vesga, Arturo Goetz, César Bordón, Jose Luis Garcia Campos, Nicolás Cancino, Julio Pachón
2014: Premios Platino: Nominada a mejor película

2013: 5 Premios Macondo: incluyendo mejor actor (Puentes) y actriz (Hinestroza)


La historia sucede en Bogotá en los días previos al 9 de abril de 1948. Roa es el clásico agüerista que lo deja todo a la suerte, un pobre diablo sin oficio estable pero con una familia que alimentar. Cansado de buscar trabajo y convencido que ha nacido para cosas grandes, visita a su ídolo Eliecer Gaitán para pedirle trabajo.


The story takes place in Bogotá in the days leading up to April 9th, 1948, a day in history known as ¨El Bogotazo.¨  Roa is an example of a classical superstitious man that leaves everything to chance, a poor man without a stable job but with a family to feed. Tired of looking for work and convinced that he was born for big things, he visits his idol Eliecer Gaitan to ask for work.

FILM SERIES:  History Through Cinema


Día de la Hispanidad / Hispanic Day @ Miller Outdoor Theatre
Oct 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This event was postponed due to the coronavirus regulations.

We will announce the date for next year’s event. 

Since 1983, the IHCH has sponsored each year an international artistic production, the “Festival Folclórico”, at the Miller Theater. The theater offers IHCH the presentation of recognized Hispanic artists in the areas of theater, television, radio, and film, and it also features colorful folk dance groups, both local and international. Every year we celebrate a different country. The entrance is free to the general public.

Hispanic Day at MIller Outdoor Theatre

Día de la Hispanidad / Hispanic Day @ Miller Outdoor Theatre
Oct 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This event was postponed due to the coronavirus regulations.

We will announce the date for next year’s event. 

Since 1983, the IHCH has sponsored each year an international artistic production, the “Festival Folclórico”, at the Miller Theater. The theater offers IHCH the presentation of recognized Hispanic artists in the areas of theater, television, radio, and film, and it also features colorful folk dance groups, both local and international. Every year we celebrate a different country. The entrance is free to the general public.

Hispanic Day at MIller Outdoor Theatre

Día de la Hispanidad / Hispanic Day @ Miller Outdoor Theatre
Oct 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This event was postponed due to the coronavirus regulations.

We will announce the date for next year’s event. 

Since 1983, the IHCH has sponsored each year an international artistic production, the “Festival Folclórico”, at the Miller Theater. The theater offers IHCH the presentation of recognized Hispanic artists in the areas of theater, television, radio, and film, and it also features colorful folk dance groups, both local and international. Every year we celebrate a different country. The entrance is free to the general public.

Hispanic Day at MIller Outdoor Theatre

Día de la Hispanidad / Hispanic Day @ Miller Outdoor Theatre
Oct 9 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This event was postponed due to the coronavirus regulations.

We will announce the date for next year’s event. 

Since 1983, the IHCH has sponsored each year an international artistic production, the “Festival Folclórico”, at the Miller Theater. The theater offers IHCH the presentation of recognized Hispanic artists in the areas of theater, television, radio, and film, and it also features colorful folk dance groups, both local and international. Every year we celebrate a different country. The entrance is free to the general public.

Hispanic Day at MIller Outdoor Theatre