Spanish Beginning Conversation Class @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Apr 13 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Want to learn Spanish?
Join a Spanish class at the Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Our Spanish Beginning Conversation Class provides students with basic language patterns and practical vocabulary, as well as the essential conversational skills used in everyday life. Topics include family, numbers, weather, getting around, and traveling.The program highlights interesting aspects of the Spanish culture.

It is highly recommended for students without previous experience in the Spanish language. It is particularly for those who wish to acquire limited conversational skills for travel or the workplace, or who wish to start their study of Spanish.

This course is not open to students whose first language is Spanish.

Instructor: Maria M. Lopez, Professor at HCC and Rice University

A minimum of eight students is required to open a class.

WHEN: Every Saturday @9 am

FEE: for 8 classes, session 2 hours weekly $280.-

Classes begin on Saturday, April 13.

Apply now!

Legacy of knowledge – from Mexico to US @ Online Event
Jun 30 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

You are invited to an interview with Dr. Isaac Raijman, our special guest to close the Spotlight- Mexico program.
Dr. Raijman is a nationally- and internationally-recognized physician, board-certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology. We will present his story, from his native Mexico to today, his passion for education and continuous commitment to support arts and culture in Houston, Texas

Presented by Yolanda Velasquez and Dr. Randall Stenoien, President IHCH 2019 and 2018.


Imagen, representación y memoria @ Online Event
Jul 21 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Imagen, representación y memoria

El cine argentino desde sus comienzos hasta el nuevo milenio.

Un recorrido por la historia del cine argentino. Se prestará atención a los protagonistas (directores, directoras, actores, actrices), los géneros, las películas que marcaron época, los personajes memorables y el reconocimiento internacional otorgado a este arte. Se considerará asimismo la relación entre este arte y la memoria colectiva, y el diálogo que el cine argentino establece con las producciones cinematográficas de otras latitudes.

"This program is made possible with funding from Humanities Texas and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) as part of the federal CARES Act."

 “Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program, do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.”
¡Bienvenida a Spotlight Perú! @ Online Event
Nov 17 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
¡Lo más dulce de Perú! @ Online Event
Nov 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Raíces de Perú @ Online Event
Dec 1 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Preservando el folclor peruano en Houston.

Entrevista a Raíces de Perú., Sra. Nancy  Castro.
Desde 1998 Nancy Valer de Castro ha enseñado bailes autóctonos de Perú a cientos de jóvenes en Houston a través de Ballet Folkórico Raíces de Perú. Sus presentaciones con hermosos trajes y coreografías preservan y promueven estas bellas tradiciones, siendo motivo de orgullo para todos los hispanoamericanos en nuestra ciudad.
Participación especial de Katherine Osuna y Carlos Begglo
Presentación de bailes típicos de Perú con el Ballet Folklórico Raíces de Perú.

Presentado por Carmen Herrada
Martes, 1 de diciembre 5 p.m. CST


Via Facebook Live @ihchouston

Creating a New Visual Language: Art in Colonial Peru @ Online Event
Dec 3 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Creating a New Visual Language: Art in Colonial Peru

An introduction to the art of colonial Peru, focusing on works that show how Andean, Spanish, and West African people and traditions created a new visual language in the Andes.
Special guest: Ximena A. Gómez, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
She was born in Lima, grew up in Houston, and received her PhD from the University of Michigan. She specializes in the art of colonial Latin America and her research focuses on the visual culture of Indigenous and Black people in colonial Lima. Her work rescues these influences in European artworks, as well as the influences in contemporary Latinx artistic expressions.

Host: María E. Pérez, PhD – IHCH
December, Thursday 3 @5 p.m. CST


Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_i12O9wILRDGDsOpvNxB3Sw


Fashionista, diseñadora de modas y activista social Luisa Fernanda Nadarajah @ Online Event
Dec 8 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Luisa Fernanda Nadarajah

Fashionista, diseñadora de modas y activista social.
Nacida en Perú y criada en Argentina, Luisa Fernanda llegó a Houston donde descubrió en el 2015 su talento para el diseño de modas cuando ganó un concurso patrocinado por el Museo de Bellas Artes de Houston. Su interés por la moda responsable la ha llevado a crear colecciones con el apoyo de comunidades indígenas como su colección Calipso, incorporando el color y el trabajo artesanal del bordado de mujeres en Guatemala. Su preocupación social se extiende a su trabajo como fundadora de Project Piruw, una ONG dedicada a apoyar la educación y la nutrición de comunidades indígenas en Perú.

Presentado por María E. Pérez, PhD – IHCH

Martes, 8 de diciembre 5 p.m. CST


Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U86JxUrYSeOguUdoBWM9Pw