Liderazgo, gestión emocional y resolución de conflictos. @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Jun 15 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Objetivo: Desarrollar y descubrir las condiciones de liderazgo inherentes en el participante, a través del manejo de técnicas y estrategias modernas para el empoderamiento social y cultural. Potenciar eficazmente acciones para la conducción y gestión de grupos, bajo premisas de Balance, gestión y seguridad Emocional, logrando emprendimientos que logren liderazgos propositivos y éticos. Asimismo, el control de variables en manejo de conflictos y solución de problemas, atreves de técnicas de negociación nuevas y eficaces.

Metodología:Técnicas de reflexión conceptual didáctica, practicas vivenciales y dinámicas organizativas.

Modo: Presencial y On line

Certificación: El curso taller será certificado por el IHCH y Emotional factor US.

Dirigido a: Todos los públicos. Profesionales, emprendedores, empresarios, gestores políticos, líderes sociales y referentes comunitarios.

José L. Harb*Experto en relaciones humanas, psicología y sexología. Profesor universitario y Life Coach, expositor y conferencista internacional (México, Bolivia, Brasil, Argentina). Líder y comunicador certificado por Toastmasters International, USA. Ejerció la representación política y el servicio público. Es analista, estratega de opinión y escritor de textos de divulgación científica en ciencias humanas. Dirigió la revista de Psicología “Ser Niños Hoy” Texas. Imparte Talleres y Capacitación en varias Fundaciones, Compañías y Empresas de los Estados Unidos.

Mas Informacion: 832-571-0163

Inversion: $50

Presentación del Libro de Irene Greaves, “Lovescaping: Construyendo la Humanidad del Mañana Practicando el Amor en Acción” @ Institute of Hispanic Culture
Aug 22 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Queridos amigos,

Los invitamos a un evento especial donde presentaremos el libro de Irene Greaves, “Lovescaping: Construyendo la Humanidad del Mañana Practicando el Amor en Acción,” con Grace Olivares.

Se servirán aperitivos y bebidas.

Este evento es GRATIS y abierto al público, pero les pedimos que por favor reserven su ticket.

Libros a la venta y firma de la autora inmediatamente después de la presentación.

¡Los esperamos!

Ismael Torres in Concert @ Institute of Hispanic Culture
Sep 27 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Ismael Torres is an artist, Singer and songwriter from Rosario, Argentina. He is 32 years old and already has 3 albums, 3 EPs and 1 DVD.

He began his professional career at the age of 16, accompanying with his voice and his guitar artists of the so-called “Trova Rosarina”. At age 18 he released his first solo album “Ciudad Manantial (spring city)”. Today with more than 14 years of experience he has toured multiple cities around the country and the world. He has shared stage and songs with Argentine artists such as León Gieco, Luis Alberto Spinetta, Lito Nebbia, Javier Malosetti, and from other countries: Jaime Ross, Ruben Rada (Uruguay), Ismael Serrano, Pedro Guerra (Spain), Leonel Soto, David Aguilar , Miguel Inzunza (Mexico), Roly Berrío, Augusto Blanca, Vicente Feliú, Amaury Pérez (Cuba) among others.

In 2015, Ismael released his third album titled “Vivo en Cuba (live in Cuba)”

recorded live in the city of Havana and published worldwide by the Mexican label Casete. With this album he toured the stages of Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, USA, Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Uruguay.

In 2016, a tour of Mexico and the USA included concerts such as the “Festival Quimera 2016”, the ”Aula Magna Theater of the Civil College“ in Monterrey, the ”RockWood Music Hall“ in New York and the ”Blackerby Recital Hall“ in Austin among many others.

In 2017, the consolidation of Ismael as a Latin American singer-songwriter expanded the horizons of an important tour called “Una sola América 2017 (Only one America 2017)” touring numerous cities in Mexico, Costa Rica, USA, Panama and Guatemala with more than 60 concerts. The closing of the year was marked with the artistic collective “Rosario 50 years of Rock in Castellano” in a memorable concert at the prestigious “Trovafest” festival in the city of Querétaro (Mexico) with more than 5,000 people, a festival that also hosted artists like Ismael Serrano, Armando Manzanero, Pedro Guerra, Amaury Perez, among others.

We can hear Luis A. Spinetta, Fito Paez, Charly Garcia, Sting, John Mayer, and Djavan as his main influences among others.

The essence of Ismael, though, is that he presents his art and talent via the stories in which he immerses us, through the beauty reflected in his music, and by inviting us to join his collective optimism. In his shows, he presents himself with a unique style and warmth.

This character is present whether he is alone on stage with his guitar, or with a powerful band of musicians without losing his essence.

YOUR NEW RESUME @ Webinar Series
Apr 27 @ 10:30 am – 11:00 am

The idea is a workshop about how the new resume is evolving and how COVID-19 has accelerated the change.