Sounds of Venezuela by Karine Gil @ Houston Piano Company
Jun 1 @ 6:30 pm

HOUSTON Reg $25 100% benefit Cuatro Por Venezuela

“Sounds of Venezuela”

A piano and strings concert featuring acclaimed classical pianist & composer, Karine Gil.  
Accompanied by Luis José Silva (cuatro & guitar.)  Traditional Venezuelan music & original  landscape-inspired compositions.  For more information about the artist, visit www.karinegil.com.
100% of concert proceeds benefit Cuatro Por Venezuela, a 501.c.3 foundation.  All donations are tax deductible.  If you cannot attend but wish to donate directly, visit www.cuatroporvenezuela.org
“Sonidos de Venezuela
Un concierto de piano y cuerdas por la aclamada pianista clásica y compositora, Karine Gil.  Acompañamiento de Luis José Silva (cuatro y guitarra).  Música tradicional venezolana y composiciones originales inspiradas en paisajes.  Para más información sobre la artista, visite www.karinegil.com.

100% de los recaudos benefician a Cuatro Por Venezuela, una fundación 501.c.3 sin fines de lucro.  Todas las donaciones son deducibles de los impuestos.  Si no puede asistir pero desea realizar donaciones directas, visite www.cuatroporvenezuela.org.
Circulo de Lectura Activa
Aug 17 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm


La lectura nos permite ver el mundo de una manera distinta, encontrar ese pedazo en el universo que nos hace falta. Los libros nos muestran que se puede encontrar el amor en un sonido o en una flor.
El círculo está centrado en la lectura y análisis de textos de ficción en español. El ejercicio del círculo literario pretende brindar nociones prácticas que permitan el acercamiento crítico a géneros literarios en español.
El ejercicio de leer nos pertenece a todos, hayamos o no estudiado formalmente

Leer nos construye, nos transforma.

¿A quién va dirigido?
Está especialmente pensado para personas que desean iniciarse en el mundo de los libros y charlar con la excusa de una lectura interesante.

¿Cuáles son los objetivos?
* Fomentar la lectura y el diálogo.
* Crear un punto de encuentro para personas interesadas en la lectura.
* Dar a conocer entornos sociales y culturales de los paises hispanoamericanos.
* Favorecer un acercamiento crítico a los diferentes géneros literarios.
* Resignificar el idioma Español como generador de identidades socioculturales.

El Instituto Hispánico de Cultura y Escritores Cronopios Houston agradecen su asistencia.

Círculo de Lectura Activa
Sep 6 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Arrancamos entonces nuestra segunda reunión del círculo de lectura activa con el libro “La Tregua” de Mario Benedetti.

Para el 6 de septiembre debemos tener leído la primera parte y estaremos charlando y compartiendo apreciaciones sobre lo que hemos leído.

Recuerda llevar tu vaso, tu bebida preferida y algo de comer para compartir con el grupo.

Claves del exito para un emprendedor en la era digital @ Online Event
May 21 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am

Lizzette Diaz con su amplia experiencia en Marketing Digital, viene a compartirnos sus tips y mejores consejos para lograr tener contenidos relevantes que den buenos resultados en la era digital.


Legacy of knowledge – from Mexico to US @ Online Event
Jun 30 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

You are invited to an interview with Dr. Isaac Raijman, our special guest to close the Spotlight- Mexico program.
Dr. Raijman is a nationally- and internationally-recognized physician, board-certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology. We will present his story, from his native Mexico to today, his passion for education and continuous commitment to support arts and culture in Houston, Texas

Presented by Yolanda Velasquez and Dr. Randall Stenoien, President IHCH 2019 and 2018.


Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas