Liderazgo, gestión emocional y resolución de conflictos. @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Jun 15 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Objetivo: Desarrollar y descubrir las condiciones de liderazgo inherentes en el participante, a través del manejo de técnicas y estrategias modernas para el empoderamiento social y cultural. Potenciar eficazmente acciones para la conducción y gestión de grupos, bajo premisas de Balance, gestión y seguridad Emocional, logrando emprendimientos que logren liderazgos propositivos y éticos. Asimismo, el control de variables en manejo de conflictos y solución de problemas, atreves de técnicas de negociación nuevas y eficaces.

Metodología:Técnicas de reflexión conceptual didáctica, practicas vivenciales y dinámicas organizativas.

Modo: Presencial y On line

Certificación: El curso taller será certificado por el IHCH y Emotional factor US.

Dirigido a: Todos los públicos. Profesionales, emprendedores, empresarios, gestores políticos, líderes sociales y referentes comunitarios.

José L. Harb*Experto en relaciones humanas, psicología y sexología. Profesor universitario y Life Coach, expositor y conferencista internacional (México, Bolivia, Brasil, Argentina). Líder y comunicador certificado por Toastmasters International, USA. Ejerció la representación política y el servicio público. Es analista, estratega de opinión y escritor de textos de divulgación científica en ciencias humanas. Dirigió la revista de Psicología “Ser Niños Hoy” Texas. Imparte Talleres y Capacitación en varias Fundaciones, Compañías y Empresas de los Estados Unidos.

Mas Informacion: 832-571-0163

Inversion: $50

5th Annual Latino Health Summit 2019 @ Rice University - Glasscock School of Continuing Studies College & University
Sep 19 @ 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

The Latino Health Summit brings together experts in the fields of health, education and policy, to engage in a conversation about challenges facing the Latinx community. 
Using the strengths of the community, experts will prioritize and explore strategies that leverage Latino cultural strengths, and discuss societal barriers with the goal of supporting solutions to improve the health and well-being of the 4.5 million Hispanics in the Greater Houston -Area.

For sponsorship and/or exhibitor opportunities please go to: 


“Lo Bello y Lo Feo en el Arte” con Andrés Bardon @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Oct 12 @ 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Una charla especialmente pensada para reconectarnos con el arte y sus expresiones a través de la historia. Al concurrir a un museo o a una galería de arte, muchas veces podemos sentirnos ajenos a las obras como si estas parecieran no estar realizadas para nosotros. En esta presentación veremos como debemos acercarnos al fenomeno estético y sus categorías de belleza y fealdad para pdoer apreciar y disfrutar el arte en toda magnitud.

Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas
Gala Noche de las América @ TBA
Oct 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:30 pm


The mission of The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston is to ensure that the right to an excellent education continues to be an available option for future generations of deserving Hispanic students in the Houston area. For 53 years, The Institute for Hispanic Culture of Houston, has supported qualified and deserving students through partial needs-based scholarships, having awarded nearly $350,000 in scholarships since 1965. The Annual Gala as the signature fundraiser, has a goal of raising more than $50,000 in scholarship resources to support more than 25 students each year. We invite you to support this initiative by attending our Gala or underwriting this event.
Gala Noches de las Américas