#Winning and Success: Beyond School & Snapchat @ Institute of Hispanic Culture
Oct 5 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Calling all Highschool and College students wanting to success!
Success in School: Drs. Andrew Harper and Cynthia Santos
  • Applications process
  • Course planning and Study skills
  • Test taking skills

Preparation for after college:

  • Presenting yourself to win: Rita and Mayte
  • Millennial job interview video
  • Professionalism and presentation: First Impressions
  • Developing network connections
  • Mock interview and media/video training

Make sure to reserve your spot on eventbrite!

Nov 21 @ 7:30 pm – Nov 24 @ 2:30 pm

TEATRX is bringing back La Vida Es Cortos / Life Is Shorts Festival for the second year! The festival will once again bring Latinx stories to the stage and screen in new and exciting ways. This year’s lineup includes a 14-minute musical, 21 Chump Street: The Musical, by Hamilton star Lin Manuel Miranda, and a short film by native Houstonian Vannessa Vasquez of Hulu’s East Los High. Along with 21 Chump Street: The Musical, TEATRX will produce two plays chosen after a nationwide call for short plays. On behalf of TEATRX, Laura Moreno will direct, The Party Favor, by Julián Mesri. The second play, A Volunteer by Marian Licha will be directed and acted by members of Teatro Indigo. This year’s festival will also feature the Spanish language play, El Espejo by Emilio Carballido directed by RS Producciones, and a dance theatre piece written and choreographed by Adam Castaneda of Pilot Dance Project.

Because of the high volume of fantastic film submissions, TEATRX will show 13 short films ranging from two to fifteen minutes. Films will be split between four performances Thursday – Saturday. Each night the audience will vote on their favorite film. The top films will be featured at the final performance on Sunday, November 24.

La Vida Es Cortos/Life Is Shorts Festival is funded in part by grants from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance.

El Origen del Candombe al Tango @ Institute of Hispanic Culture of Houston
Apr 30 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Con la voz de Fernando Pirez, referente tanguero uruguayo contemporaneo.

About this Event


Born in the city of Montevideo, Oriental Republic of Uruguay, he emerges in the talent round of the renowned FUN FUN Bar in the old city where the contemporary tango referents frequented, has a powerful and sentimental voice that cradles tango as few is the winner of several competitions of singers in the Rio de la Plata.

He integrates the cast of voices of La Misa Tanguera and is La Voz del Tango in the Show PASION LATINA for the World Show.

He performed at the Lincoln Center in New York, the Opera Theater in Paris and the Czech Museum in Houston among other settings. I premiere the Tanguera Mass at the Cathedral of San Fernando de Maldonado, and at the Florencio Sanchez de Paysandu Theater (Uru) and I sing twice at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NY and at the Newark Nj cathedral this last year. He also performed at the Insitute of Hispanic Culture this past June with the “Tributo a Gardel Show”.


Nacido en la ciudad de Montevideo, Republica Oriental del Uruguay, surge al canto en la ronda de talentos del reconocido Bar FUN FUN de la Ciudad vieja donde frecuentaban los referentes tangueros contemporaneos, posee una voz potente y sentimental que acuna el tango como pocas es ganador de varios concursos de cantantes en el Rio de la Plata .

Integra el elenco de voces de La Misa Tanguera y es La Voz del tango en el Show PASION LATINA por el mundo.

Se presento en el Lincoln Center de New York , El teatro Opera de Paris y el Museo Checo de Houston entre otros escenarios.

Estreno la Misa Tanguera en La Catedral de San Fernando de Maldonado , y en el Teatro Florencio Sanchez de Paysandu ( Uru) y canto 2 veces en La Catedral de Saint Patrick de NY y en la catedral de Newark Nj este ultimo 2019 . Tambien se presento en el Insitituo de Cultura Hispana de Houston el pasado Junio con el Tributo a Gardel.

Claves del exito para un emprendedor en la era digital @ Online Event
May 21 @ 11:00 am – 11:30 am

Lizzette Diaz con su amplia experiencia en Marketing Digital, viene a compartirnos sus tips y mejores consejos para lograr tener contenidos relevantes que den buenos resultados en la era digital.